Review: Cupcake Affair

A must-do for every cupcake lover (or sweets lover in general): the Cupcake Affair in Zurich.

Lichterfest in Zurich

A post about one of my favourite days in November: The annual Lichterfest in Zurich! Finally the dark winter nights are illuminated by a thousand lights...

Lady in Grey

It is the middle of November... ...and already the mountain tops are covered with snow and even down in the valley there has been some sleet on Monday. Thus, it appears to be high time to take out our winter wardrobe. What I especially love to wear in the colder season are faux fur vests,… Continue reading Lady in Grey

(Half) a Day in Monaco

A snapshot gallery from my one (or better half a) day in Monaco back in September 🙂 Have a good Sunday!